what is asian american voter supression?

as we approach the 2020 Election, prepare yourself to vote & educate yourself on what might be prohibiting certain Americans from voting this November

  • what should i know?
  • other resources

    the following organizations provide helpful information on everything you need to vote + more research and resources for empowering Asian American civil rights

    1. vote.org
    2. AAJC
    3. APIAVote

    Claremont McKenna College's APAM (Asian Pacific American Mentors) will be hosting an event on voter supression in the APIDA community in the coming weeks! check out their website below and follow them on Instagram or Facebook for more information about the event soon.

    1. APAM

    about the creator

    Sophie de Castro (she/her), filipina-american

    sophomore at cmc. currently in boston. media studies & data science.

    this webpage was created for my first homework assignment for the computer science course i'm taking at cmc.

    check out my cs class & mike (my cs professor)!

    shameless self promo for my food blog @eatgooodfood!

    contact: sdecastro23@cmc.edu

    please drop a like & an upvote to help me get a good grade :)

    1. upvote on reddit

    visit my peers' webpages:

    (click on any username below to check out their page)










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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.